There is HOPE

in the Gospel

The love of Jesus is present and at work today and forever


Good News

The Gospel brings a message of profound hope and love, starting with God. In His boundless love, God sent His perfect Son, Jesus, to save and restore us. He led a life without fault, sacrificed Himself on the cross for our sins, and rose again after three days. He triumphed over sin and death on our behalf. And this is good news. For you, your family and our world!

Latest message

This is a continuation from last week’s message. After coming to His disciples and empowering them for a great catch of fish and sharing a meal with them, Jesus turns to Peter for a personal conversation of great importance.


Eternal good is possible because of the love of Christ

Pursue righteousness and God-given purpose in community 

Biblical Teaching

Truth and grace through the powerful Word of God

Gospel Preaching

Christ-centered and Gospel-focused for our good and His glory

Approachable Community

Loving one another and serving one another in grace

Plan a visit with your family

Pleasant Grove

8:30am | 9:45am | 11am

LIFE Groups: 8:30am | 9:45am | 11am

Olive Street

9:30am - English Worship Service
11am - Spanish Worship Service | Korean Worship Service

English LIFE Groups: 11am
Spanish LIFE Groups : 6:30pm Wednesdays

Family Church Siloam

8:45am, 10am English Worship Service
11:15am Spanish Worship Service

LIFE Groups -Preschool and Kids 8:45am and 10:00am
Students 10:00am

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