Helping your child fall madly and passionately in love with Jesus.

We engage kids in grades 1-5 with weekly LIFE Groups, Wednesday night activities,

various events like VBS, summer camps, and summer mission trips!

Weekly Schedule

Pleasant Grove Campus


Grades 1-5

 LIFE Groups 8:30am, 9:45am, 11am

 Kids Church 9:45am, 11am


Grades 1-4

 Awana 6:30pm

Grade 5

 Kids 5.0 6:30pm

Olive Street Campus


Grades 1-5

 LIFE Groups 11am

 Kids Church 9:30am


Grades 1-5

 Awana 6:30pm

Family Church Siloam


Grades 1-5

 LIFE Groups 8:45am, 10am



Grades 1-5


Stay connected and never miss a moment—find all the latest on kids events (like VBS) and more, camps, and other opportunities. Follow us, sign up, and stay in the know!

Need a scholarship?

We want all kids to have the opportunity to participate. Scholarship funds are limited and awarded on an as-needed basis.

Scholarship Application

More for Kids!

First time? Learn more about how we protect your child through check-in and check-out.

Ready to join us in person?

Ready to Join In Person?

Whether you’re a young or senior adult, single, or married with kids, you’ll feel encouraged by the authentic community we have at First Baptist Rogers. We'd love to meet you in person!

If you let us know you're coming, we'd love to help make your visit smoother, especially when you're coming

with young children

I'll Be There!

We also offer a special class designed for kids who are new believers! At First Connections for Kids, we train new believers to dive deeper into their walk with the Lord by teaching them about salvation, baptism, the Lord's Supper, tithing, and more. The class meets once every other month at Pleasant Grove from 12pm-2pm in room 225. Parents are welcome to come and stay for the class as well!

Sign Up

Shay Caldwell
Kids Pastor

Hannah Coffman
Kids Associate

Aaron Mitchell
Kids Associate

Travian Weems
Olive Street Kids Associate

Jennifer Bertrand
Kids Ministry Assistant

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