What is a Valiant Warrior?

valiant:  possessing or showing courage or determination warrior:  someone who is engaged in a war

A war has been underway since the Garden of Eden. The kingdom of God has been under assault by the kingdom of darkness. Satan’s temptation to Adam and Eve that led to their sin resulting in the fall of all mankind was the declaration of war against God’s kingdom. 

Men are at their best when they are valiant warriors, battling for the kingdom of God and rescuing the disadvantaged in the name of the King.

Valiant Warrior is one of the ways we connect men to join together for worship, fellowship, teaching, and training. We desire for men (from grades 11-12 all the way through adulthood) to be better husbands, fathers, brothers, sons, and leaders in our community.

Registration is now open for the new season of Valiant Warrior!


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