in the KNOW

Sermon Notes

Event Highlights

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Mission Spotlight

We have a long standing relationship with our Missions Partner, Ramesh. Through this partnership we are able to:

Minister to with local widows and orphans. 

Train local leaders and pastors in the Gospel Ministry. 

Engage UPGs that are 89% Hindu. 

  • Please Pray for Ramesh. Ask God to encourage them in this work and give them favor with the UPG.
  • Pray for new believers to be raised up and be given courage to continue to share the Gospel.
  • Pray for the hearts of the UPG to be receptive to the Gospel. 

Want to know more?

Join us for First Connections!

Discover who we are at our First Connections class. Meet our pastors, staff, and learn about our mission and ministries in a welcoming small group setting. Lunch and childcare are provided!

Next First Connections Classes:

  • Pleasant Grove Campus - April 6
  • Olive Street Campus - May 4
  • Family Church Siloam - TBD
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