Are you ready to embrace the unexpected journey of sharing your faith in everyday life?

Join us for A Call to Adventure, an inspiring apologetics and evangelism conference designed to help you take bold spiritual steps and discover how genuine relationships can spark a ripple effect of faith and transformation. This isn’t just about knowing the answers—it’s about letting God work through you to make a lasting impact on those around you.

Be encouraged, equipped, and empowered to live out your faith with confidence and compassion. Take the next step in your faith adventure today!

Sean McDowell

Sean is a gifted communicator with a passion for equipping the church, and in particular young people, to make the case for the Christian faith. He connects with audiences in a tangible way through humor and stories while imparting hard evidence and logical support for viewing all areas of life through a Biblical worldview. 

Traveling throughout the United States and abroad, Sean speaks at camps, churches, schools, universities, and conferences. He has spoken for organizations including Focus on the Family, the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview, Cru, Download Youth Ministry, Hume Lake Christian Camps, Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the Association of Christian Schools International. Sean is the co-host for the Think Biblically podcast, which is one of the most popular podcasts on faith and cultural engagement. Sean's YouTube channel (Dr. Sean McDowell) is one of the top apologetics channels.

More about Sean


Friday, May 16


Atheist Encounter

What would you say if an atheist challenged your deepest convictions about God and the Bible? In this session, Sean plays an atheist, raises tough questions against the faith by taking live questions from the audience, and then steps out of character to help the audience reflect on the experience. This is a hands-on experience where you will walk away motivated and equipped to more lovingly and intelligently make a case for Christianity.

Saturday, May 17


Evidence for the Bible

In this session, Sean presents the historical evidence for how accurately the New Testament has been preserved throughout history. Even though publicized opinions often claim there is reason for skepticism, recent findings actually strengthen the case for the reliability and trustworthiness of the Scriptures. Sean presents three main lines of evidence from within the Bible, the transmission of ancient documents, and from archaeology outside the Bible.

Saturday, May 17


How to Have Spiritual Conversations

Paul's speech at Areopagus is one of the most famous passages in the New Testament. It is not only insightful and interesting, but offers some practical steps for how to engage non-believers in genuine dialogue. In this talk, Sean offers three simple steps, from the example of Paul in Mars Hill, for how to have spiritual conversations with people who see the world differently.

Registration Fees

Students (up to age 23)


Adults (over age 23)


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