We believe baptism is an important step in your walk with Christ. Baptism doesn't save you, but it is a step of obedience in your public profession of faith in Jesus Christ. It is a picture of what Jesus die for you - He died for your sins, was buried, and raised to life. It is also a picture of what happened to you - you died to an old way of living and have been raised to walk in a brand new life in Jesus. The Bible teaches that everyone who has put their faith in Jesus for salvation needs to be baptized.
We believe the Lord's Supper is a vital element of worship because it is a direct command from Jesus Christ, Who instructed His followers to "do this in remembrance of Me" Luke 22:19. This ordinance allows us to reflect on Christ's sacrifice on the cross, symbolized through the bread and the cup. These represent His body and blood given for our sins. It is a time of spiritual renewal, self-examination, and unity as the body of Christ, reminding us of His love, the forgiveness of sin, and the hope of His return. Through this act, we proclaim the gospel and celebrate our shared faith in Him.