Sermons: That You May Believe: Jesus and His Life
Jesus claims to be equal with God. 18-24
Jesus offers life and...
We should help people who are in need. 1-4
We should help people get...
Miracles are possible when people hear of Jesus. 46
Hearing requires...
God uses a clear testimony in His mission. 39
God uses His word in His...
Missional Perspective of Worship (27-30)
Christ's authority silences...
Shift One:
Sudden Openness - Give me this water. 15
Jesus finds the lost providentially along life’s way. 1-6
Jesus fills...
Christ is above me. 22-30Christ is above all. 31-36He came from...
Why did God make eternal life available?God demonstrates The Greatest...
Being born again begins by stepping out of the dark
Being born again...
Jesus participated in fulfilling the Law. 13Jesus purified the...
We must have a Messianic expectation.We must give a Messianic...