God For Us: Hope in Prayer by the Spirit

Series: God For Us

November 08, 2020 | Dr. Wes George

Passage: Romans 8:26-27

The Spirit helps our weakness.

In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness

“In the same way”. . .refers back to how hope sustains us through sufferings (the groanings of creation and believers for redemption) looking ahead to how the Holy Spirit sustains in our weakness. 

The Spirit mentioned multiple times throughout this 8th chapter of Romans is none other than the Holy Spirit

Our weakness is not knowing how to pray.

For we do not know how to pray

Our weakness is not knowing what to pray.

For we do not know how to pray as we should

The Spirit intercedes for us.

But the Spirit Himself intercedes for us

From mid-verse 26 through verse 27, the Holy Spirit is highlighted in what He does.  He primarily “intercedes.”  Different words from the same root are used for intercede.  The Holy Spirit counter balances the believer’s weakness in prayer with prayer according to God (His will).

With groanings too deep for words.

We are fortified with hope because we know that the Spirit interposes for us. It seems more likely to me that the groanings are genuinely those of believers that originate from the Holy Spirit. These groanings are not audible. They are the inexpressible longings that arise in every believer’s heart to do and know the will of God.

The Spirit intercedes for saints according to the will of God.

27 and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. 

The Father searches the heart and knows the mind of the Spirit.

27 and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is

The Spirit intercedes according to the will of God.

because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God

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